Category: Blog

God’s Word is Our Guide for Health and Peace: Psalm 1

My Friends, Are you struggling today because your cravings have gotten the best of you after even going to church?  (Today is Sunday as I write this.)  Let me tell you…I understand.  Are your efforts to establish habits and walk in self-control just  a goal or is it a reality in your life?  I understand. 

GOD HAS A PATH OF PEACE FOR US – Even Through the Waves of the Ocean

DynaMOMENTS:  RIDE THE WAVE:  Do NOT Try to Fight It Psalm 46: 1-3 “God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble.  Therefore, we will not fear, though the earth give way and the mountains fall into the heart of the sea, though its waters roar and foam and the mountains quake with


  DynaMOMENTS – HOW CAN ONE PERSON’S DECISION IMPACT THE HEALTH OF SO MANY OTHERS? Psalm: 101:6 “My eyes will be on the faithful in the land, that they may dwell with me. The one whose walk is blameless will minster to me.” Pride is not to be encouraged, but delight is surely a reward

Environment for Health: Your Friends Matter

Hello my friends.  Yes, friends.  We all agree that friends matter; we all agree that we want true friends.  Indeed, we want friends who stick closer than a brother; we want friends who understand us, love us, encourage us, forgive us and are faithful to us.  This sounds like something only the Lord is able

Chew! Chew! Chew! – FOOD and GOD’S WORD

Hello my dear friends, Did you consider that your digestion doesn’t start in your stomach.  In actually, it starts in your brain.  This is called the cephalic phase of digestion and is triggered by just the mere thought of food or the smell of food and, of course, the sight of food.  This is why

Being Careful for Blameless Living

DynaMOMENTS – Being Careful to Lead and Conducting Our Affairs For Blameless Living Psalm 101:2 “I will be careful to lead a blameless life – when will you come to me?  I will conduct the affairs of my house with a blameless heart.” We continue the topic of blameless living as we look at verse


DynaMOMENTS – Singing of HIS Love and Justice for Blameless Living Psalm 101: 1. “I will sing of your love and justice; to you, Lord, I will sing praise.” My FRIENDS, Health is not just about exercise and eating; it is about so much more; remember, it is about relationship health, financial health, sleep health,